Friday, March 27, 2015

Smokey Wolf and Cups of Honey Milk Coffee

Hello Everyone!

How are you all doing? Busy with life, but still passionate and positive I hope? :]

Although it doesn't seem like it through my blog, I've been very busy in the art world, and it's great!
I'm so in love with making art postcards, and since my latest post, playing with new media!

I've found I love working with anything from sharpie to white-out, to watercolor pencils to copic color pens, gelly pens and even highlighters! Depending on the mood of the picture, what it's portraying and what should be colored draws me to the certain media I use for each picture.

On that note, let's get started with this step-by-step post!

Step 1: Start with, well, your supplies!

In this case, to start with anyway, a blank postcard canvas, pencil and eraser is all that's needed.  (for now)

Step 2: Let's Sketch!

I already had an idea of a wolf filling up half the space of the postcard, coming toward the viewer. 

However, I ran into problems with the pose. So I worked it, and re-worked it, and worked it again. And finally realized, it was the legs throwing me off, and preferred the pose on the right. 

With the legs in this pose, I realized it had more of a realistic look to it. 

And, as you can tell from the picture above, I had a hard time with the eye placement. Once I figured it out, I made sure I filled it in!

Now, what's a smokey wolf without any smoke? Let's add details, yay!

The sketch form is now finished and it's time for the next step!